Youth Villages

Youth Villages Headquarters Location

Memphis, TN

Youth Villages Photos

  • Annual KiteTales event in North Carolina
  • Annual Holiday Hereo's event in North Carolina
  • Bill's Place Residential Campus Staff
  • Angel has earned her master's and doctorate, in addition to several licenses, while working at YV.
About Youth Villages
Youth Villages is a national leader in children’s mental and behavioral health, bringing help and hope to tens of thousands of children, families and young people across the United States every year. Founded in 1986, the organization’s 3,000-plus employees help more than 36,000 children annually in 24 states across the U.S. For more than 30 years, we have worked to find solutions using proven treatment models that strengthen the child’s family and support systems and dramatically improve their long-term success.

Since 1994, our organization has tracked every child who completes a program and has recorded consistently high success rates. In 2018, 86% of the children are still living successfully at home with their families 12 months after completing their program.

The organization has been recognized by the Harvard Business School and U.S. News & World Report and was identified by The White House as one of the nation’s most promising results-oriented nonprofit organizations. Learn more at
Intercept helps reunite Family (Chattanooga, TN)
Intercept family specialists helped the Bryson family reunite after a temporary relapse put the children in foster care. After almost a year of parenting and anger management classes, 12-step programs and family counseling, the Brysons are a stronger family.
LifeSet helped Kaylee (Pittsburgh, PA)
LifeSet has been a crucial program for Kaylee. Spending her younger years in group homes and having aged out of foster care, Kaylee didn't know what to do next. With two kids to care for, she needed a mentor and resources. Read how LifeSet specialist Amber has helped Kaylee.
Angel has earned certifications and degrees while working with Youth Villages (Arlington, TN)
Angel has been an assessment counselor at the Dogwood campus in Memphis for the last five years. After she earned her master's degree and doctorate in clinical psychology, she used the Youth Villages licensure supervision benefit. Angel had two licensure supervisors who she still considers mentors.

Number of Employees in Youth Villages

1 001 à 5 000

Youth Villages Revenue

85 à 450 M (EUR)
